Tag Archives: life

Become a lake – A story of wisdom

Screenshot_2015-12-30-09-57-42-1An aging Hindu master grew tired of his apprentice complaining, and so, one morning, sent him for some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master instructed the unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water, and then to drink it.

“How does it taste?” the master asked.

“Bitter,” spit the apprentice.

The master chuckled and then asked the young man to take the same handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake, and once the apprentice swirled his handful of salt in the water, the old man said, “Now drink from the lake.”

As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the master asked, “How does it taste?”

“Fresh,” remarked the apprentice.

“Do you taste the salt?” asked the master.

“No,” said the young man.

At this, the master sat beside this serious young man who so reminded him of himself and took his hands, offering:

“The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amount of bitterness we taste depends on the container we put the pain in. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things… Stop being a glass. Become a lake.”

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This is a beautiful reminder that we all carry with us, a handful of salt… if we wish to see the good we must dilute the bad.

Blessings to you all and a very Happy New Year ~ Danielle

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out -DAY 10

Today is the last day of a journey of thanksgiving: preparing for the holiday season from the inside out and I want to thank you for following me on this journey. These past 10 days have made such a difference in how I view my life and the world around me. There were many days, and I mean many that being thankful was much tougher than complaining and it took a lot of determination to not let that thought process control me. Everyone is always telling me that I’m so upbeat and positive and can’t understand how I can always see the good in others or see the light at the end of the tunnel. This isn’t always true, and that is why I made this commitment to take this challenge. I have been reflecting so much on my life and with the holidays approaching one particular story stands out in my mind, and I want to share it with you:

10885288_10204387640045084_8110065684552495218_nLast year on Christmas morning, I went around the house turning on all the twinkling lights, lit some candles and put on the Christmas music. I love Christmas and I couldn’t wait for my children to wake up; they may be Santa’s little helpers, but the magic of Christmas is something we all hold dear to our hearts and share with each other, even if it’s only for the benefit of another. I snapped this picture of my peaceful Christmas morning and posted it on facebook along with joyous Christmas wishes for all. Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out -DAY 9

What have you discovered these past 9 days? Have you made the commitment to find something to be grateful for in all circumstances? Waking up thankful and ending your night with gratitude, is something you can begin at any time. How fortunate are we to have a fresh start each and every day to make a choice to be happy; to see the good in everyone, to look at all we have been given with gratitude. Since I began this 10 day challenge (you can read the original post here) I have been training my mind to look deeper and to see the bigger picture.

I woke up to a snow-covered morning where the sun hadn’t made its presence yet and everything was peaceful and calm. The only interruption to this winter wonderland was Lucky’s pawprints as he pranced around in the snow. He does love the snow! Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out -DAY 8

Tonight as our Sunday comes to a close I wanted to pray with you. I had found this beautiful prayer a few months ago and have been saying it as part of my daily prayers. As I was praying today I realized that it is so fitting for this journey of thanksgiving we are on.  Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out – DAY 7

Good morning and happy Sunday to you all! Can you believe Thanksgiving is only 4 days away? The end of this 10 day challenge is near and my heart is so full. This journey is helping to open my eyes to a whole new way of enjoying life to the fullest!

I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to write this post yesterday… my husband and I hosted a family get-together at our home that lasted well into the night. Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out -DAY 6

Tis the season to be grateful! I have said it before and I will say it again… this is my favorite time of year! This commitment I made to prepare my heart, mind and soul for all the upcoming holidays has truly changed my perspective. I’ve made so many new discoveries about myself since I started this journey… if you haven’t read the original post for this 10 day challenge please read it here. Have you started your journey to new discoveries? I would love to know what your experiences have been since you began.

Throughout this journey I have been doing a lot of crying; which is hard for me to admit, but it’s true… the reality of how blessed you are can be very heart wrenching. So today I want to laugh! I was trying to find a way to incorporate humor into thanksgiving without taking away the purpose of this challenge. Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out -DAY 5

Thanksgiving is just a week away and we are halfway through our journey of thankfulness. It’s already day 5 and this 10 day challenge has definitely helped me to see things in a whole new light. Have you made the decision to be happy? Are you more mindful of your blessings and looking for something to be thankful for in all circumstances? I deeply hope you find it in your heart to take this journey with me, it is truly good for the soul. Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out – DAY 4

Welcome day 4! If you haven’t already read my original post A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out, please take a moment to read it here. I would love for you to join me on this 10 day challenge to open your heart, mind and soul to thankfulness.

The photo is from my morning walk with Lucky. I just had to stop and admire God’s breathtaking masterpiece in the sky. Then of course I had to snap a picture to share with all of you! Look at all the swirls of color and the way the light of the sun just beginning to rise casts a beautiful glow from underneath. It’s official, today I would stop and smell the roses if you will, and use my senses on a conscious level, so that I can be fully aware of all I’ve been given. When we are mindful of all we’ve been given we can find gratitude in the smallest of gestures. Continue reading

A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out – DAY 3

Last night I focused on all I was thankful for and ended my day with a grateful heart. It wasn’t easy after the day I had; but I slept peacefully and woke up thankful for this brand new day! Today is day 3 of our 10 day challenge A Journey of Thanksgiving. How are you doing on this journey? I hope that you are opening your heart to thankfulness and learning to find joy in the messes of this wonderful thing we call life.

Happiness is a choice. Being positive is a choice. Loving yourself is a choice. Accepting your flaws is a choice. To this day I am still learning to accept myself for who I am. Some days I do not like myself. I don’t have the confidence I wish I could have, but I am becoming much more confident with what I want in my life. I know what is truly important to me. Loving all of ourselves isn’t easy and that’s why I decided today I would take a closer look at me.

 “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Steve Furtick.

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A Journey of Thanksgiving: Preparing for the holiday season from the inside out -DAY 2

♪♫Monday, Monday, can’t stop that day♫♪… hello day 2 of A Journey of Thanksgiving! How was your first day? I must say I was quite surprised at how you truly can be happy when you actually put your mind to it, and I mean that literally. I would say that yesterday was a success. I didn’t complain or whine about having to pick up after the kids for the umpteenth time, now that I think about it, I didn’t complain at all. I was happy because I was able to see the blessing in every task I did or at least I looked hard for it! Sure, washing blankets every other day and having them on the sofa for Lucky is a pain and at times I just don’t want to do it; but after my revelation with ironing Franco’s shirt yesterday, I know that there will be a day when the blankets aren’t needed and I will long to do it just one more time for Lucky. Continue reading