Category Archives: Desserts

Indulge in the Sweetness that is life

The Best Lemon Bars

When life gives you lemons, make lemon bars! Just like chocolate, there is something about the tasty goodness of lemon bars that I can’t resist. I came across The Best Lemon Bars recipe on Pinterest (I know, surprise surprise) and made them a couple of years ago for Thanksgiving. Since then I have made them more times than I can count and must say, they truly live up to their name! They are simply: Sweet and Tart Perfection! Continue reading

It’s a baking kind of day!

It’s 34° and I have a case of spring fever! Although tomorrow’s high temperature may only be 16°, and the snow isn’t going anywhere anytime soon; I actually started my spring cleaning. Continue reading

Easy Cream Cheese Cut-Out Cookies

Super Bowl Sunday ended with a winter storm that brought Snow Day Monday to Western NY. In the past a snow day at our home was all about snowmen, hot chocolate, baking cut out cookies and just spending the day together – It was always an exhausting day full of fun, messes and chaos but happy memory making non the less! Continue reading